Dr. Hooper joins Team IBB once again to share what he thinks is necessary to keep your eyes healthy!
[Auto-Generated Transcript]
welcome back to the bonus video with dr.
Ryan Hooper aka
dr. age and we're gonna go through your
top three keys to eye health or eye
success or success with your eyes or
whatever whatever you want to call it
just I'm super excited because I have
not seen you for a while you were now in
my defense you were in Texas right so
that was a long drive for my eyes but
I'm looking forward to checking out your
new location in Rocky River sign me up
and I'm looking forward to learning more
yeah so I think the one thing that I'd
really like to share right off the bat
is talking about preventative eye health
my new location is you've referred to in
Rocky River as Westside preventative eye
care I really want to explain to people
why I health is important to that I
think that you know we talked about
dentistry and and the medical profession
they've done a great job of really
explaining why going and seeing them is
important for your health and I think we
have optometrists have really dropped
the ball on explaining like like why why
does this help you how does this benefit
you can come see us so a stat is like
the average person the AOA recommends
you see an optometrist every year to
take a look at the back of the eye make
sure everything looks healthy the
average person comes in about every
three and a half years so yeah that's
alright so just to kind of show people I
think that you know we hear about
diabetes and things that can affect the
eyes a lot of people don't even know
that but you can go blind from diabetes
so two cases that I've seen one
gentleman came in completely
asymptomatic was questioning whether he
wanted to do a dilated eye exam like a
systemic symptomatic that means like no
problem I'm just I don't have that
doctor brain so you gotta talk to me
like a kid so he came in no problems no
complaints just came in for a routine
eye exam was questioning you know should
we do the dilation I'm like well you
know what's recommended every year so we
went ahead did the dilation I looked
back and I saw a tumor in his eye
actually so typically when a tumor comes
into the retina we're talking about
leaving the liver metastasizing from the
liver or the lung so you know we sent
him on his way and and you know he got
care but that's something that I bet
most people don't think about when I'm
sure he didn't come in thinking wow yeah
so and then you mentioned Maya time in
Texas there was a patient I saw you know
she came in didn't tell me this but was
at the hospital previously that day and
came in with blurred vision I looked in
the back of the eye and you know I saw
swelling and hemorrhaging and bleeding
and things in the back of the eye yeah
and unfortunately I had to send for
blood work
you know there's different viruses and
things that you can acquire that cause
of bleeding in the back of the eye but
that helps that patient diagnosed you
know it's again talking about a holistic
approach yeah she had a virus in her
body that I was able to look in the back
of the eye and see the problem so you
know a lot of people talking about the
eyes the window to the soul but it's
curious certainly as a window in Wow
into the into the body it's the only
place in the body we can see the blood
vessels in the back of the eye and
actually look at one of your cranial
nerves cranial nerve to the optic nerve
that runs to the eye so we literally get
to look at part of your brain and part
of your vascular structure everything
and then so you can you know obviously
depending on the situation but you can
say hey based on your the vascular
structure of your of your what's going
on in your eyes you may have some issues
in your liver or you may have some
issues in other places a lot of times
high blood pressure is one thing that we
can diagnose the female patient that I
saw in Texas had high blood pressure too
which also could have caused some of
that bleeding in the back so when we
talk about preventative eye health and
when we think about preventative eye
health these are all things that we
wouldn't necessarily catch if we didn't
do a dilated exam look in the back of
the eye you know if that tumor that I
was talking about traveled from some
area somewhere else
how do you really find that without
right before it's too late
yeah yeah so that's so well I'm not
gonna I'm not gonna jump in so I'm want
to derail what's going on so that I have
so many questions but all right so
preventative eye health you recommend is
it once a year every six months or what
what's defined preventative eye health
you know if I or someone watching this
is they okay I need to commit to that
what does it look like yeah so a dilated
eye exam every year is what's
recommended by the American Optometric
Association so so coming in once a year
doing the dilated exam I mean it stinks
nobody wants to do it really this is you
know it does blur your vision up close
it'll last for three about three to four
hours so if you bring somebody to the
appointment that can drive you it's
really not that bad one but it could be
good bonding time with the old buddy as
long as you have a driver I mean it
doesn't really affect people too much in
other ways okay so just make it part of
your routine make it part of your just
like your physical um you know and
really not over wearing those contacts
and things like that
speaking of contacts I believe that you
will help me get contacts in my I wanted
to an eye doctor I spent about an hour
trying to get the contact him but
because what legally you can't you can't
send someone off with contacts until
they've actually got them in their eyes
correct I can take them out okay so I
yet I'm yet to have con
because I've never been able to get them
in my eyes before my eventually my nose
starts bleeding and I get all right it
was bad
not everybody is so I poked my so many
times in my nose terribly that was that
was a very very they had like every
single person that worked there like at
every position in the building was
coming from there like just like just
like try this try that try that so don't
give up hope don't give up hope so but
it you know if we can get the context
I'm sure you can provide me the classes
and we'll be good to go so prevent to do
all kinds of fun so and that
preventative portion will extend to when
we talk about preventative health
obviously when I was talking about kind
of a holistic or systemic stuff that we
can find in the back that not many
people know about we can actually talk
about your prescription as well when I
talk about a preventative approach to
eye care
I'm also thinking about your actual
vision so since 1960s and 70s
nearsighted rates have actually doubled
in the United States and I think when
you think about like which is what I
have yes okay nearsighted means I have
trouble seeing far away a farsighted
means I have yeah trouble seeing says
the ass a little bit the opposite so I
taught you well thank you so in China
it's actually around 90% of the
population is nearsighted and they have
actually been really leading the way on
how to actually reduce nearsightedness
in the population when we talk about
nearsightedness we're mainly talking
about the eyeball stretching so I put
you at a higher risk of retinal
detachments which eventually causes
blindness you know glaucoma macular
degeneration everything that you don't
really want to hear us talk about way up
you puts you at a little higher risk for
it okay so they've really been on the
forefront of how do we reduce
nearsightedness or at least nearsighted
progression you know it's kind of easy
to understand why our prescription
they're going up for nearsighted
prescriptions because we do so much
right in front of our faces now right
how many three five-year-olds do we see
that are using a tablet or a cell phone
right so our eyes are just trying to
adapt to that and move the vision and
because they it's just a natural
adaptation we used to get something
called college myopia where you would go
to school you will start studying and
then your sighted vision would creep
them then around 21 22 now we're seeing
that 8 9 10 years old and then earlier
that that my Opia starts or
nearsightedness starts the more
aggressive it is so it is becoming a
problem so as far as preventive health
and preventive eye care and how we look
to treat that is a corneal mold called
orthokeratology it's almost like if you
think about again Dennis have done great
jobs of explaining what happens it's
basically like a corneal mold is like a
retainer for the eye so for lower
prescriptions you can actually wear
these corneal molds overnight they
correct your vision throughout the
daytime and you actually don't need to
wear anything through the day now the
benefit associated with that is it
actually stops the eye from growing by
about 46 to 50 percent so young children
who come in with a small prescription we
can place these corneal molds on their
eyes check make sure that they fit well
they go home they sleep in the corneal
mold and the next day they come in they
take it off their 20/20 and we don't
really see progression of their
prescription it kind of stops it in
their tracks
so what oh yeah what I hope to do at
Westside preventive eye care and rocky
river is you know when we see emerging
nearsighted patients provide them with
these corneal molds and try to stop
progression of myopia and that's a nice
trick it's awesome yeah so okay so
that's where so JJ he's almost 2 years
old so is there a certain age that I
mean obviously like he's not having any
issues like same thing laser there's a
there a certain age that you bring your
children in to see you like how does
that work yeah so I think it's important
to get eyes
before the age of three a lot of times
we're really just looking for gross
abnormalities do you have an eye turn
you know just on my test so I see a huge
reflection of a huge prescription you
know the eyes somewhat underdeveloped so
we expect to find like a farsighted
prescription up until about age eight so
I would say one two three and then
really every two years from there until
we start getting into what's the
prescription now
okay so typically what I recommend cool
but I could so like but I could book an
appointment me and him together
absolutely he could drive me home he's
ready cool all right let's figure that
part out but no he you know for him we
would just you know really look for any
gross abnormalities he's not gonna be
able to tell me one or two which is
better but we'll be looking for you know
a general prescription if you see people
with eye turns and things like that a
lot of times not always but sometimes
those cases could have been caught
earlier and corrected before they get to
that point as well so again preventative
preventive eye care
maybe not something that people think
about and is that something that like
those like the retainers for your eyes
quote-unquote is that something that I
could like that could help me from
having my vision continue or it might is
it too late for me yeah so that's a good
question so typically typically the
biggest change in prescription comes
between eight and twelve years old so
the later that that progressed it
happens yeah
the later that that happens the less
aggressive it is so the patient that I
really need to get into the corneal mold
is that six seven eight year old that's
starting starting to show signs of
myopia so I wear corneal mold tonight
I'm not wearing anything right now with
your prescription
I believe you're a Lome I hope you could
wear them and you wouldn't see
progression but typically after the age
of 21 22 the eye has stopped growing and
you don't see a whole lot of program in
any way okay but you know
it's the benefit of not wearing contacts
or anything during the day morning
dryness during the day especially for
those of us that can't even get the
contact in there right yeah one day one
day so alright so we got the
preventative I health yeah
the myopia control yeah correct and then
yeah so so really just maybe kind of
understanding the guidelines of what we
were kind of talking about reasons that
it's important to change your contact
lenses so you do want to come in every
year to it the most and have that
dilated eye exam done like like I said
the American Optometric Association
recommends we come in every year
preventative eye health is something we
really need to think about changing your
contact lenses
another thing that maybe people don't
necessarily think about is is over
wearing their context I just wear them
until I get until I I have some buddies
really I just wear them until like I can
barely see any more like and so the
reason that's happening is because all
these things are getting stuck to your
contact lenses and that's opening your
vision so if you think about different
things that can get stuck to your
contact lenses bacteria and viruses
fungi even in cases and if you
accidentally fall asleep with that
contact while you're creating a moist
warm and buoyant environment for that
fungus that virus or that bacteria to
grow we've seen we've seen cases of
blindness occur from someone who sleeps
in their contact lines so so really just
like I said I think maybe we've as a
profession of dropped the ball on
educating patients on what these things
are so not sleeping in your contacts you
know coming in every year and getting an
exam done and just kind of following
those guidelines I think is really the
key to success as far as so stop making
excuses and just do it just this just
make mark Kramer just awesome so very
cool well so preventive care making sure
that you are controlling your my
Oh piya correct I wouldn't say tomato
tomahto okay all right cool
but and then just do it just just so
that's where my commitment to everybody
is sign me up we're going to get me
going and JJ will be there sounds good
bring Eric the whole love the whole
family yeah party man happiness in your
eyes so anything else to add my man
I don't think come see us over in Rocky
River Westside preventative eye care
we're in Beach cliff market square beach
cliff market square awesome very cool
well well thank you so much man
appreciate it thank you everyone for
joining us for this bonus video I've
learned a lot so thank you again for
everything you do and your expertise I
hope you joined a lot and until next
time stay burn proof
keep your eyes